Monday, August 22, 2011

HiKe'erl HeYen (The High Lord of the People)

To the High Lord of Thulien Zo'ra:

The time is right, and the time is now! The Lord EsLi has spoken to you. He has commanded you to create the New Ultima Thule, to prepare for His arrival, to gather the Aryan remnant, bring together the faithful, and spread the Word to the four corners of the Earth. Illuminated by the Divine Light, you are now set to follow the Golden Path.

But how do you start such an ambitious project? How can you convince our people that you are not just another crank? What kind of political structure do you set up for Thulien Zo'ra? How do you deal with challenges to your authority - authority you received directly from EsLi?

These are some of the questions you will be facing after the warm glow of Revelation and Epiphany have worn off. To help get you started on your way to creating a genuinely sustainable community and all the International Recognition and Adoration of Thousands that comes with it I've been asked, no, Commended to your Guidance.

After you've received your Message(s) and have your Orders from EsLi, where do you start? Many Leaders of the Faithful believe finding the appropriate headquarters for our group is a good place to start. A good location is critical for proper development of our human resources, funneling of psychic energies and proper Worship without too much disturbance from the NaZora.

The proper location can mean the difference between operating for years without hindrance and being attacked in a week by the forces of Evil - whether they are disguised as Government, Military, Family, or Friends and Neighbours.

Of course, as we are just starting, we may have to be content with what we have for a few years until the cash flow can justify the expenditure, but we should still keep an eye out and start planning for our eventual Compound.

Factors to keep in mind for our eventual location:

  1. Look for sites on magnetic meridians for better channeling of Telluric Currents. 
  2. Places out of the way seem to last longer than inner-city locations, but inner-city locations allow for a higher membership growth. We may have to make a trade-off. Some groups start off in the city and then move once they've reached a critical mass. 
  3. The Skorpion group has a unique approach: they'll develop an inner city site for months and then disappear, leaving all but their hard-core members out in the cold. Then they'll start again in another location, far away from where they last were. This approach isn't for everyone, but shows what is possible.

Don't forget about defense. It is possible that EsGa'u and his Minions will lay our Sanctuary under siege. Of course EsLi will protect us and crush our Enemies, though they be Legion, but we must do our part - rather than leave it all to Him. Make sure our location is on higher ground so we can see the Forces of Evil when they come trotting up. Walls are good, but if they aren't there don't despair. We can build those, and add the barbed wire and gun emplacements later. A well or some other source of water is a good idea too, as well as some way to generate electricity.

The design and building of our Compound will be the work of all. But it is important that we begin to make plans for the future. Where are the concentrations of America's remaining industry? Hollywood, Silicone Valley, New York, Chicago, etc.? Location, location - location is everything.

The location of our Compound is an important factor for the growth of Thulien Zo'ra. I hope this brief essay has given everyone a few ideas to think about.

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